“Master of Music” by Marla Himeda

Master of Music: The Bardic Isles Series: Book One

Marla Himeda
Independently Published (2023)
ISBN: 978-1959900009
Reviewed by Kathy Stickles for Reader Views (05/2023)

“Master of Music: The Bardic Isles Series: Book One” is the first book in this new series by Marla Himeda and I would recommend it to everyone.  The book is filled with fantasy, music, wonderful characters, and deep emotions. I was very impressed with the writing and the tale. It is a completely captivating story that you will not be able to put down until you finish that final page.

In “Master of Music” the reader follows the journey of a boy named Kaelin, who has been given the gift of music. This is a gift that has not been seen in the village for over two hundred years. Kaelin is terrified by his gift as he is sure that it is the reason that horrible things happened so long ago. He chooses to play his music in hiding and not let anyone else know that it is a part of him. So long ago all the Bards disappeared from this remote group of islands under mysterious circumstances and Kaelin fears that music is a large part of the reason why.

When a Master Bard suddenly shows up in his village playing the same type of music that Kaelin plays and no one is hurt, this boy begins to wonder if he has finally found the person who can help him free himself from what he believes is a horrible curse. When the Bard leaves the village, our young hero has a big decision to make. Should he follow the Bard who may be able to help him, or should he stay in his village and hide? After making his decision, the story really begins, and it is one that you will most definitely want to be a part of.

Marla Himeda has given readers a fantasy story that is wrapped around music and magic rather than fairies or dragons and it is completely amazing.  I am a huge fan of fantasy books, and I must say that this is one of the best I have ever read. Ms. Himeda is a writer who seems to weave everything together in a completely effortless and perfect way to give us a story that is filled with stunning descriptions and wonderful details. In addition, the characters are so perfect, and they tug on your heartstrings. Kaelin is an amazing character filled with emotion and as you are reading this story, you can see that he is written in such a way that he feels very real. Any reader will be able to relate to him, as well as all the other characters, and also connect with his problems and feelings. There is no way to follow this journey and not care about him.

“Master of Music” is a superb first book in this new series. The story is incredible, the characters simply remarkable, the writing almost perfect. I cannot say enough about it, but I also do not want to say too much. To really understand, you will have to read the book for yourself.  I assure all readers, those who are fans of fantasy and those who are just fans of a great book, you will not be disappointed.  I am anxiously awaiting the next in the series because I am sure this author will not let us down and the next story will be as unbelievable as the first.  5 Stars!!!

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